Semester Reflection

I was asked to write this week about my semester, since it now coming to an end at GSU. I’m not sure if it is supposed to be just about my PR writing class, or the entire semester of classes, so I will include some of both.

Since I have been abroad this semester, I have realized and come to appreciate how structured and organized Georgia Southern is. I love how when we register for classes, if one conflicts, you aren’t allowed to register for it. The school I am at in Austria, JKU, does not have a system to prevent conflicting classes. I have had numerous classes conflict with one another throughout the past two months, and it is so frustrating having to miss classes to go to another, when you are only allowed to miss three class periods before failing anyway! This was definitely a low for me at JKU. A low for my PR class was having so many assignments due in one week. They weren’t all hard, and not all of them took very long, but I still had more work for this one class that I do for all of my classes at JKU put together. This week is especially stressful for me because I have a lot to do this week of GSU finals and presentations for JKU.

A high for this entire semester has been the opportunity I have had to study abroad. I love it here so much and have made so many friends. I want to travel a lot more, but it’s hard finding people with the same schedule and money to travel with. A high for the PR writing class is that I have learned to write so many different and important things that every PR person will need to know. I have enough different pieces of writing now to have a pretty decent portfolio and articles to reference back to for my internship this fall with CRI.

There are two things that are both a highs and lows for me also. I am dropping out of my German class this week because I have not learned anything new in the past two months since the first two weeks I was here. The credits won’t go toward my major or minor, so I am only taking the class for the basic skills of German. Like I said though, I haven’t learned anything new, and I won’t even be comfortable enough to put the basics on my resume. I can now have more time to travel and focus on other classes though. Another high and low is that I realized I am really unsure what I want to do after graduation. I realized I just want to do international conference event planning, like my uncle’s friend does. She is still connected to the Ritz-Carlton though, and that’s what I want my job to be like. I will at least still try to intern with them or the Four Seasons though and hopefully try to figure out exactly what I want to do!

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